Software Deskripsi NIM UIN-SUSKA


          Pada postingan kali ini saya akan membahas dan memberikan software yang mendeskripsikan Nomor Induk Mahasiswa di UIN-SUSKA RIAU, karena saya sendiri adalah Mahasiswa UIN-SUSKA.
          Software ini dibuat menggunakan program Java, Developernya saya pakai Neatbeans IDE aja.

Software yang sudah saya buat ini bisa anda download, langsung pakai di microsoft windows tanpa diinstal.

Cara Penggunaanya :

1. Download Programnya terlebih dahulu disini
2. Exstrak file yang didownload tadi
3. Kemudian buka file yang sudah diekstrak, maka akan muncul gambar , kemudian tunggu sebentar.
4.  Setelah itu masukkan nama dan Nim kamu kedalam kotak dialog, klik OK. lihat gambar
5. Contoh Penggunaan program lihat gambar

How is Dust Useful to us?

How is Dust Useful to us?

Most people think that dust is very harmful to us. But this is not true. Dust is, in fact, very useful, and therefore, it is essential to know what dust is and how it formed.
Every solid substance is composed of very small particles. When these small particles of matter are scattered, they become dust particles. For example, if we go on breaking a brick or a stone in to small pieces, it will turn in to small particles. These particle get mixed with air and there are called dust particles. The air then carries dust particles from one place to another.
There are differrent ways by which dust is formed. When solid substance breaks, dust is formed. Smoke generated by the burning of coal, wood, petrol, etc. also produces dust. Dust particle also come from dead plants, sea salt, desert, volcanic sand, etc. The particles of earth’s surface also fly in the air in the form of dust.
The biggest use of the dust particles is that clouds condenses on the dust particles in the form of water-drops. These drops fall on the earth as rains. The absence of dust particles can delay the rain. Likewise, mist, fog, etc. are also formed due to the presence of dust particles.

See also :
Cheese Omelet
Infotainment Programs: Pro and Contra?
A Food Chain
Making Your own Kite
How is Dust Useful to us?

My Blog other
The Pros and Cons of Video Games
What Causes Weather?

The Fools on the Desert

The Fools on the Desert

Three fools, fatty, skinny and john, were just getting put of prison. This jailhouse was located in the middle of a very hot, dry desert. As they were leaving, they were told they could bring one thing with them to help them cross the arid region.
“what would you like to take with you?” a guard asked John.
“I know the desert is very hot and dry, so i’d like a glass of water to drink when i get thirsty,” answered John
“That was a reasonable request.” The guard gave him a cool glass of water and then John walked out in to desert.
“And what would you like?” ask the guard.
“well,” replied Skinny, “I know the sun is very hot in the desert, so i’d like an umbrella to keep the sun off me.”
This wish was also granted. After that, Skinny walked out in to the desert with his umbrella.
It was now fatty’s turn to be questioned. When the guard asked him what he wanted, Fatty said, “I’d like a car door, please”
“A car door! Why would you want a car door to carry across the desert?” the guard inquired.
“I believe it’s very hot in the desert. If it gets too hot, I’ll just open the Window!”.

See also :
The Princess and The Sea Worms
The Wind and The Sun
The Hermit and His Padi seeds
The Fisherman
Please All and You Will Please None

My post in Other blog
The Legend of the Mountain of Tangkuban Perahu
The Magic Box

The Princess and The Sea Worms

The Princess and The Sea Worms

Once upon a time there was a king who ruled in Eberu, Lombok, who had a beautiful daughter called Putri Mandalika. Because of her beauty, princess and kings from other kingdom around Eberu wished that she would be their wife. Six of them came to Eberu and ask for her hand of marriage. They were prince Bumbang, Prince Aryo Johor, Prince Singa Trasak, Prince Daria loka, Prince Gunung Piring and Prince Bungsu. Each prince wanted to win the heart of Putri Mandalika.

Her father, the King of Eberu, was very confused and did not know what to do. If he chose one Prince instead of another then it would create jealousy and there could be war againts his kingdom. All the princes were handsome and powerful and so the king allowed his Daughter to make here own choice. But Putri Mandalika was confused too and she also knew the Dangerous risk that her Kingdom and people would get, if she chose either one of the princes.
After several days of serious thinking. Puteri Mandalika met her parents and asked her permission to announce her decision in front of all the princes and the people of Eberu the next day in the beach. Early next morning, everybody gathered on the beach. There was a gentle breeze with small waves breaking softly across the shore. Every body was looking at Puteri Mandalika, waiting for her announcement.
Meanwhile, the six princes prayed in their heart that he would be the chosen one. Then, in a loud and clear voice, Putri Mandalika said, “Oh my beloved mother and father, all the princes and specially the people of Eberu Kingdom. Today I would like announce that I will not give myself to any one of the princes, but rather to all people of Eberu and my own Kingdom.” Then Putri Mandalika threw herself into the sea from the top of Seger Hill and disappeared. Everybody desperately search for her but she could not be found and the people believed she was transformed into flowing sea worms called “Nyale”. Since then every year at the same month, the sea worms will come out and the people of Lombok will gather to catch them to eat or sell them. Nowadays, the time which the sea worm appears are also commemorated with a festival called the Nyale Festival.

See also :
The Fools on the Desert Three fools
The Wind and The Sun
The Hermit and His Padi seeds
The Fisherman
Please All and You Will Please None

My post in Other blog
The Legend of the Mountain of Tangkuban Perahu
The Magic Box

The Wind and The Sun

The Wind and The Sun

  One day the wind and the sun were  disputing which was the stronger. Suddenly, they saw a traveler coming down the road.

The sun : i see a way to settle our dispute. Whichever of us can cause    that traveler to take off
his cloak shall be regarded as the stronger.
The wind : would you mind not talking so loudly?
The sun : sorry. Okay, you begin. I will retire behind a cloud.
The wind : i will blow as hard as i could and i’ll be the winner.
The sun : Okay, Good luck
The wind : Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i’m so tired. I shouldn’t give up. I have to blow harder . . .

But the harder he blew, the more closely did the traveler wrap his cloak around him, till at last the wind had to give up in despair. Then the sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveler. Who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on.



A programmer was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said, “if you kiss me, i’ll turn in to a beautiful princess,”. The programmer bent over, pick up the frog and put it into the pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, “if you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, i will stay with you for one week,”
The programmer took the frog out from his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to his pocket. The frog then cried out, “if you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, i’ll stay with you and do anything you want.”. Again the programmer took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket.
Finally the frog asked, “what is the matter with you? I’ve told you I’m a beautiful princess, i’ll will stay with you for a week ad i’ll do anything you wont. So, why won’t you kiss me?”
The programmer said, “Look, I’m a programmer. I don’t have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog, now, that’s cool.”

See also :
The Fools on the Desert Three fools
The Princess and The Sea Worms
The Wind and The Sun
The Hermit and His Padi seeds
The Fisherman
Please All and You Will Please None

My post in Other blog
The Legend of the Mountain of Tangkuban Perahu
The Magic Box

The Hermit and His Padi seeds

The Hermit and His Padi seeds

Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest of Sumatra. He did not grow food but depended on the jungle fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought and all the plants and fruit trees in the jungle died.
The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to be a beggar. He went to a nearby village trying to get some food. At first, the villagers were happy to help him. However, when he came continually, they refused to give him food anymore. They told him to grow his own food.
One day, while the hermit was sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food. Just then, a boatman stopped by. The boatman took pity on the hermit and gave him some padi seeds.
Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvest if you work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the padi plants will turn into weeds.”
The old hermit worked hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rains came. Strangely, after a short period of time, the padi was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot  of rice from the harvest. After each harvest, the plant grew back again right away. When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful padi, they flocked to his padi-field and took home as much padi as they could.
One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the padi that he shouted, “Oh, stop growing, you wretched thing!” As soon as he had said that, the padi plants turned into weeds.

See also :
The Fools on the Desert Three fools
The Princess and The Sea Worms
The Wind and The Sun
The Hermit and His Padi seeds
The Fisherman
Please All and You Will Please None

My post in Other blog
The Legend of the Mountain of Tangkuban Perahu
The Magic Box

The Fisherman

The Fisherman

Once upon a time there was a fisherman armed with his fishing rod who would make his way every day from his village to the river bank. There he would wait patiently for the fish to bite. As soon as he had caught exactly here fish, he would leave the river and went his way slowly home to  the cottage where he lived with his wife and son. This strange routine was much commented in the village. Then one day a tourist arrived and began to go for daily walks to the river bank. After a few days of watching the lone fisherman, he finally spoke to him.
“Excuse me, but i’ve been observing your unusual routine for several days. You always catch exactly three fish and then go away.”
“And why on earth should i want to wait around here after that?”
“For more fish to take the bait.”
“But I only need three fish. There are only three of us at home.”
“And you’ve never thought of trying to catch more fish?”
“What for?”
“To sell, so that you could buy nets and a fishing boat.”
“what for?:
“so that you can buy a bigger house and then may be another boat have people working for you.”
“so that you could have other things, be very rich and do all the thing you like doing.”

Cheese Omelet

Cheese Omelet

Ingredients :
a. 2 egg
b. 50 grams of cheese
c. ¼ cup of milk
d. 3 tablespoons of cooking oil
e. A pinch of salt some pepper

Crack the eggs into a bowl. Then, whisk the eggs with a fork until smooth. Add some milk and whisk well. After that, add some milk. Whisk well. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir. Then, heat the oil in a frying pan. Pour the mixture into the frying pan. Turn the mixture (i.e. the omelet) with spatula when it browns. Cook both sides. After the omelet is cooked, place it on a plate and season it with salt and pepper. The cheese omelet is ready to be served.

See also :
Infotainment Programs: Pro and Contra?
A Food Chain
Making Your own Kite
How is Dust Useful to us?

My Blog other
The Pros and Cons of Video Games
What Causes Weather?

Please All and You Will Please None

  Please All and You Will Please None

            A man and his soon were once going with their donkey to a market. As they were walking along, a countryman passed them and said, “You fools! What is a donkey for but to ride upon?”
            So, the man put the boy on the donkey and they went on their way. But soon they passed a group of men, one of whom said, “see that lazy youngster, he lets his father walk while he rides.”
            So the man had his boy get off, and got on himself. But they hadn’t gone far when they passed two woman, one of whom said to the other, “Shame on that lazy lout to make his poor little son trudge along.”
            The man didn’t know what to do, but at the last he took his boy up before him on the donkey. By this time, they had come to the town and passers-by began to jeer and point at them. The man said, “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for overloading that poor donkey of yours, you and your hulking son?”
            The man and boy got off and tried to think what to do. They thought and they thought, till at last they cut down a pole, tied the donkey’s feet to it, and raised the pole and the donkey to their shoulders. They went along amid the laughter of all who met them till they came to a bridge, when the donkey, getting one of his feet loose, kicked out and caused the boy to drip his end of the pole. In the struggle the donkey feel over the bridge, an so did the man and the boy.
            Finally and old man who had followed them said, “That will teach you. Please all and you will please none,”

See also :

My post in Other blog

Making Your own Kite

Making Your own Kite

 Cara Membuat Layang-Layang
 Things you need
Ø  2 strong, straight wooden sticks of bamboo (90 cm and 103 cm)
Ø  Glue
Ø  1 sheet of strong paper
Ø  Scissors
Ø  Pencil, paint and a paint brush to decorate
Ø  Strong string

How to make it

            The frame
1.      Make a cross with the two sticks, with the shorter stick placed horizontally across the longer stick.
2.      Tie the two stick together with the string
3.      Get another piece of string and cut it long enough to stretch all around the kite frame

The cover
4.      Lay a sheet of paper on the frame. Cut around it, leaving about 2-3 cm for a margin
5.      Fold these edges over the string frame and glue it down so that the material is tight.
6.      Draw an animals face on the paper. Paint it

The bridle
7.      Cut 3 pieces of string, each 20 cm long
8.      Tie one end of each string tightly to the frame (at the left and right and at the bottom). Then, tie other ends of the knot.

See also :

My Blog other

Infotainment Programs: Pro and Contra

Infotainment Programs: Pro and Contra

    Do you like news which reveals the life of celebrities? If you do, then you must enjoy wathcing infotainment program on TV. Many people condemn the content of the infotaintment programs. However, the TV rating show that an infotainment program is one of the ‘most watched’ TV programs.
    People who fond of infotaintment programs believe that the content of infotaintment program are based on the fact and encourage celebrities to do positive thing in public. They also believe that journalist of these programs always try to find the truth behind the gossip. Moreever,  celebrities need such programs to promote their profile. These programs give a room for mutual needs: reporters and celebrities. Reporters need the story, while celebrties need fame.
    Nevertheless, there also some people who strongly object to the good point of infotainment programs. They say that infotaintment programs are merely about slandering another person. Sometimes, the program goes too far into the private lives of people. For example, gossips about a divorce or about someone cheating on his/her spouse often become the headlines. The worst thing is, sometimes, the stories are reported without firstly seeking the information or confirmation from the person involved in the stories.
    So far, infotaintment programs have become a dilemma for some viewers. On one hand, these program can run stories on how celebrities build their career and how they feel about being famous., but on the other hand, these program also bring terrible consequences, especially for celebrities whose private lives are scrutinized.

See also :

My Blog other

A Food Chain

A Food Chain

    The food chain is the way energy goes from one living thing another through food. Plants are the first level in the food chain. They convert the energy in sunlight to make their own food using a process called photosynthesis. Plants are called primary producers in the food chain.
    Next, animal eat the plants that use the sun’s energy to grow. Animals are called consumers. Animals that eat plants are called primary consumers. Animals that eat other animals are called secondary consumers.
    Animals store the energy in their bodies. Every organism need to obtain energy in order to live. Energy flows from plants to animals and from animals to bigger animals through the steps of eating and being eaten. In other word, each part of the food chain is directly connected to the other, just like the links in a chain.

See also :
Cheese Omelet
Infotainment Programs: Pro and Contra?
Making Your own Kite
How is Dust Useful to us?

My Blog other
The Pros and Cons of Video Games
What Causes Weather?