How is Dust Useful to us?

How is Dust Useful to us?

Most people think that dust is very harmful to us. But this is not true. Dust is, in fact, very useful, and therefore, it is essential to know what dust is and how it formed.
Every solid substance is composed of very small particles. When these small particles of matter are scattered, they become dust particles. For example, if we go on breaking a brick or a stone in to small pieces, it will turn in to small particles. These particle get mixed with air and there are called dust particles. The air then carries dust particles from one place to another.
There are differrent ways by which dust is formed. When solid substance breaks, dust is formed. Smoke generated by the burning of coal, wood, petrol, etc. also produces dust. Dust particle also come from dead plants, sea salt, desert, volcanic sand, etc. The particles of earth’s surface also fly in the air in the form of dust.
The biggest use of the dust particles is that clouds condenses on the dust particles in the form of water-drops. These drops fall on the earth as rains. The absence of dust particles can delay the rain. Likewise, mist, fog, etc. are also formed due to the presence of dust particles.

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Cheese Omelet
Infotainment Programs: Pro and Contra?
A Food Chain
Making Your own Kite
How is Dust Useful to us?

My Blog other
The Pros and Cons of Video Games
What Causes Weather?

The Fools on the Desert

The Fools on the Desert

Three fools, fatty, skinny and john, were just getting put of prison. This jailhouse was located in the middle of a very hot, dry desert. As they were leaving, they were told they could bring one thing with them to help them cross the arid region.
“what would you like to take with you?” a guard asked John.
“I know the desert is very hot and dry, so i’d like a glass of water to drink when i get thirsty,” answered John
“That was a reasonable request.” The guard gave him a cool glass of water and then John walked out in to desert.
“And what would you like?” ask the guard.
“well,” replied Skinny, “I know the sun is very hot in the desert, so i’d like an umbrella to keep the sun off me.”
This wish was also granted. After that, Skinny walked out in to the desert with his umbrella.
It was now fatty’s turn to be questioned. When the guard asked him what he wanted, Fatty said, “I’d like a car door, please”
“A car door! Why would you want a car door to carry across the desert?” the guard inquired.
“I believe it’s very hot in the desert. If it gets too hot, I’ll just open the Window!”.

See also :
The Princess and The Sea Worms
The Wind and The Sun
The Hermit and His Padi seeds
The Fisherman
Please All and You Will Please None

My post in Other blog
The Legend of the Mountain of Tangkuban Perahu
The Magic Box

The Princess and The Sea Worms

The Princess and The Sea Worms

Once upon a time there was a king who ruled in Eberu, Lombok, who had a beautiful daughter called Putri Mandalika. Because of her beauty, princess and kings from other kingdom around Eberu wished that she would be their wife. Six of them came to Eberu and ask for her hand of marriage. They were prince Bumbang, Prince Aryo Johor, Prince Singa Trasak, Prince Daria loka, Prince Gunung Piring and Prince Bungsu. Each prince wanted to win the heart of Putri Mandalika.

Her father, the King of Eberu, was very confused and did not know what to do. If he chose one Prince instead of another then it would create jealousy and there could be war againts his kingdom. All the princes were handsome and powerful and so the king allowed his Daughter to make here own choice. But Putri Mandalika was confused too and she also knew the Dangerous risk that her Kingdom and people would get, if she chose either one of the princes.
After several days of serious thinking. Puteri Mandalika met her parents and asked her permission to announce her decision in front of all the princes and the people of Eberu the next day in the beach. Early next morning, everybody gathered on the beach. There was a gentle breeze with small waves breaking softly across the shore. Every body was looking at Puteri Mandalika, waiting for her announcement.
Meanwhile, the six princes prayed in their heart that he would be the chosen one. Then, in a loud and clear voice, Putri Mandalika said, “Oh my beloved mother and father, all the princes and specially the people of Eberu Kingdom. Today I would like announce that I will not give myself to any one of the princes, but rather to all people of Eberu and my own Kingdom.” Then Putri Mandalika threw herself into the sea from the top of Seger Hill and disappeared. Everybody desperately search for her but she could not be found and the people believed she was transformed into flowing sea worms called “Nyale”. Since then every year at the same month, the sea worms will come out and the people of Lombok will gather to catch them to eat or sell them. Nowadays, the time which the sea worm appears are also commemorated with a festival called the Nyale Festival.

See also :
The Fools on the Desert Three fools
The Wind and The Sun
The Hermit and His Padi seeds
The Fisherman
Please All and You Will Please None

My post in Other blog
The Legend of the Mountain of Tangkuban Perahu
The Magic Box

The Wind and The Sun

The Wind and The Sun

  One day the wind and the sun were  disputing which was the stronger. Suddenly, they saw a traveler coming down the road.

The sun : i see a way to settle our dispute. Whichever of us can cause    that traveler to take off
his cloak shall be regarded as the stronger.
The wind : would you mind not talking so loudly?
The sun : sorry. Okay, you begin. I will retire behind a cloud.
The wind : i will blow as hard as i could and i’ll be the winner.
The sun : Okay, Good luck
The wind : Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i’m so tired. I shouldn’t give up. I have to blow harder . . .

But the harder he blew, the more closely did the traveler wrap his cloak around him, till at last the wind had to give up in despair. Then the sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveler. Who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on.



A programmer was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said, “if you kiss me, i’ll turn in to a beautiful princess,”. The programmer bent over, pick up the frog and put it into the pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, “if you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, i will stay with you for one week,”
The programmer took the frog out from his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to his pocket. The frog then cried out, “if you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, i’ll stay with you and do anything you want.”. Again the programmer took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket.
Finally the frog asked, “what is the matter with you? I’ve told you I’m a beautiful princess, i’ll will stay with you for a week ad i’ll do anything you wont. So, why won’t you kiss me?”
The programmer said, “Look, I’m a programmer. I don’t have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog, now, that’s cool.”

See also :
The Fools on the Desert Three fools
The Princess and The Sea Worms
The Wind and The Sun
The Hermit and His Padi seeds
The Fisherman
Please All and You Will Please None

My post in Other blog
The Legend of the Mountain of Tangkuban Perahu
The Magic Box